Chapter 2: Embellishment


Between  nostalgia of the  past and future uncertainty, my memories quickly saturated.

I however found in my passion another way to escape from daily anxiety : creation.

My photographs were not about capturing moments in time anymore but more about creating my own dimension. Out of space and out of time. 

To do so, I picked different female muses, and played around with patterns, colours and shapes, to conceptualise and embody my dystopian vision of 2020.

Intempor(elles) is a wordplay in french combining  female vision and timelessness. 

When Tarentino meets the Matrix.

When Tarentino meets the Matrix.

Overthinking mind represented

Overthinking mind represented

Photography helped me accept our situation by taking advantage of this pause in time to fight this fear, very current among photographers. This fear of not being to capture the present moment. 
Here’s how I’ve come to overcome  it, among other demon of mine.
Chapter 3...

Using Format